Just in case you don’t feel like reading this entire post and are here for 30% off click here. Use WholeLovelyLife at check out. You won’t be disappointed by this product I promise! It has been a while since I have shared a skincare review and for this one simple reason. I only share products that I have used myself and truly believe in. The products I share need to not only perform but also need to align with my values and mission. And when I say product I’m talking about both the ingredients and the brand itself. I have never been so excited to share a product with all of you as I am to share Herbal Face Food. Not only is Herbal Face Food the cleanest skincare product I have ever used but I had the honor of getting to chat with founder J. Michael Zenn who is the creator of this innovative product and internationally published author of the Self Health Revolution book. Michael has his own skin healing story which resonated with me. Many of the best products on the market have come from someone who created them due to their personal need. You can read his story here. LEARNINGS FROM MY JOURNEY As you know I have been on a long healing journey from Ankylosing Spondylitis and Iritis. The more I have learned about interferences to healing the more focused I have been to refine the products I am using on my skin. Not only to simplify my life but to ensure the products I am using are truly clean and void of ingredients I know do not serve my body and could potentially harm it. I have also learned that Self Love is Essential! Part of self love is caring for your body and one way to care for your body is to put intent into not only what you put into it but what you put onto it as well. Our skin is our largest organ and 67% of what we put on our skin goes directly into our body. In fact, within just 28 min of application chemicals in skincare products can be found in the bloodstream and vital organs. The average woman puts 515 synthetic chemicals on her body every single day which equates to about 5lbs of chemicals absorbed into the body yearly! Pretty crazy when you think about it! But this…
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