This week has just flown by. I don’t know about you but I’m noticing that it’s getting darker earlier which means summer is starting to come to an end. I am definitely not ready for fall and winter to be just around the corner. Having a 1.5 year old this summer vs. a 6 month old last summer has made this a special summer. I’m not ready for it to end. All you Mama’s out there know what I’m talking about.
I feel like there are still so many “summer” things I wanted to do with him. Not to say last summer was not amazing but this summer is different because he is like a little person doing little person things. Its almost like I am reliving my own summers as a child through his excitement for everything. I’m trying to savor every moment we have left.
The one thing that I do get a bit giddy about with the change of season is the change in clothes. I love fall and winter clothes so that is one thing to look forward to. Guess its time for a little shopping!
But while we are still in summer lets talk about summer food. For me, pesto is a summer staple. If you are lucky enough to have a basil plant growing in your yard its easy to whip up a super fresh batch anytime you want it.
Unfortunately, our basil plant did not work out so well for us this year but there is always next year right!
For now, Whole Foods is my basil go to. I highly recommend buying basil the day you are going to make this to ensure it’s fresh and crisp. For ease, I don’t typically roast the pine nuts but this is something you can do and does add a great layer of flavor. The same thing goes for the garlic. Roast away for a little extra kick! It’s all about how much time you have.
This is a dairy free pesto recipe so it’s perfect for those who eat Paleo, Vegan and Dairy Free alike. Enjoy!
- 4 oz basil
- ½ tsp salt + more to taste
- ¼ cup olive oil
- ¼ cup pine nuts
- 2 tsp fresh squeezed lemon juice
- 1 clove garlic
- Wash basil and remove leaves from stems.
- In a food processor add basil leaves, salt, olive oil, pine nuts, garlic, and lemon juice and process until well mixed.
- Optional: The fastest method for this pesto is to use raw pine nuts however, you can toast the pine nuts either in the oven or in a pan on your stove before processing.
- The same goes for the garlic. Roasted garlic kicks this recipe up a notch.