I have always been a fan of using non-toxic beauty products and have been trying to incorporate even more truly natural products into my skincare routine. Meaning they are not made in a lab, but by nature. For a long time I have known about the benefits of applying raw honey regularly as a beauty treatment. However, the sticky factor and the temptation to lick the spoon held me back.
Some time ago a friend convinced me to try it because it did so much for her skin. We have totally different skin types so I was not sure it would work for me but it worked amazingly well to moisturize, plump and smooth my dry skin. There is a ton of information out there about incorporating honey into your skincare regimen. Hopefully this post will help to break it all down for you and give you the direction you need if you want to give it a try.
First, be sure that you are using raw honey vs. the kind that comes in that cute little teddy bear. It’s the living enzymes inside raw honey that make it so amazing not only for our health but for our skin. In this post I am going to share four benefits of using raw honey on your skin as well as four ways to use it.
1. Raw honey is super hydrating. This may put fears into those of you with oily skin but actually the more moisture you give your face the more in balance it will be. Meaning it does not need to overcompensate with additional oil production.
2. Raw honey is naturally antimicrobial so it helps to disinfect and detoxify the skin. If you have acne or the occasional breakout I highly recommend using raw honey as a mask or spot treatment. I guarantee you will see improvements fast!
3. Raw honey is filled with antioxidants and is a natural wrinkle fighter.
4. Raw honey is an amazing exfoliant. It has a natural grain to it that is very gentle yet effective at exfoliating the skin.
Raw Honey As A Mask:
Scoop the honey straight out of the jar and smooth it on a clean face. I recommend using a headband and clip or band to fully secure your hair. No one likes something sticky in their hair. It is recommended to leave raw honey on the skin for at least 5 minutes and up to an hour. Yes I said an hour! Sometimes I leave it on longer because I feel the longer it sits on my skin the better it feels and looks. Use a warm washcloth to remove the honey and then rinse with cool water. Raw honey can also be used as a mask on other parts of the body where there is dry skin, such as the elbows, knees, and even the feet.
Raw Honey As A Scrub:
Scoop the raw honey straight out of the jar and rub it over the face in a circular motions. My normal routine is to do a mask first and then before I rinse my face I rub in a circular motion to get a full exfoliation treatment. I love combining both as a mask and scrub if I have the time.
Raw Honey As A Face Wash:
Raw honey will not remove makeup so you need to start with a clean face. When I apply raw honey as a face wash I like to apply it in the morning because my face is already clean. If you want to use it as a face wash in the evening make sure all of your makeup has been removed with your regular cleanser. Dampen your finger tips and rub a small amount all over your face for 30 seconds to 1 minute and rinse.
Raw Honey As A Spot Treatment:
For blemishes dip a Q-tipp into the raw honey container and cover any blemishes with a small amount of honey. Let the honey sit as long as you like, even overnight, and then rinse.
I recommend using raw honey in your beauty regimen at least a few times a week. Are you ready to sweeten up your weekly beauty routine?
In Love, Health + Gratitude,
I cannot wait to try a honey mask! Thank you, Katie!
Can’t wait to hear if you love it as much as me!