I cannot believe it is already the end of June! Summer always goes fast, but I really can’t believe next weekend is the 4th of July. I just can’t even think of winter being only a few months away. Sorry to get all Debby downer but I savor ever single second of summer and the warmer months it brings. I just don’t want it to come to an end. Ok, enough of my rant about Minnesota weather. On a more positive note my twin sister (I may have forgotten in the past to mention I have a twin. Pretty cool right?), her hubby and son were in town all last week. Their son is 11 weeks younger than my little guy so we call them twin cousins. And, they literally could be. They look so much alike. So much fun! While they were here we made super fast and simple meals so we could spend all our time playing with the kids and being outside. One of the last nights they were here we had pizza. Since I follow the autoimmune protocol I obviously could not partake in the yummy Whole Foods pizza everyone else had. Also, I’m still avoiding nuts so that meant my other pizza crusts were out. Instead of watching everyone enjoy their pizza while I ate a smoothie I reached for a few plantains. Turned out to be a great decision!
I’m pretty excited to share this recipe with you! I love the texture and taste of my Plantain Tortillas so much that I decided to see how the same recipe would fare as a pizza crust. Low and behold it worked great! What I love about this crust over my other crust recipes is how simple it is to make. You only need 2 ingredients so there is no measuring and mixing which means no mess! Even better, this crust is autoimmune protocol compliant! A nut free, autoimmune protocol, paleo pizza crust, can I get a whoohoo! I made this pizza super crisp but you can adjust the cooking time either shorter for a softer crust or longer for a crisper crust. The choice is yours. I did not put a sauce on this pizza so can’t share how the crust holds up under more wet ingredients but I would image pretty well since the tortillas do. Feel free to get crazy and add any and every ingredient you want. You really can’t go wrong with pizza can you? Enjoy!
Interested in more pizza recipes?
Spinach Artichoke Pizza With Cauliflower Cream
Caramelized Onion, Green Olive + Bacon Pizza
- 2 green plantains
- 1 tsp sea salt
- ¼ of a small red onion
- 10 green olives
- 4 pieces salami
- 2 Tbsp chopped fresh basil
- 2 Tbsp chopped fresh oregano
- Optional: add desired amounts of nutritional yeast and or herbs and spices of choice
- Optional: omit or add additional toppings of choice
- Bring a pot of water to a boil.
- Wash and cut plantain in a few pieces.
- Place plantain in boiling water with skin on and boil for 30 min or until you can easily pierce plantain pieces with a fork. The more cooked they are the easier the dough will stick together.
- Once cooked allow to cool for a few minutes.
- Peel plantain, place in a food processor along with salt and optional nutritional yeast, herbs and spices (I personally like it plain) and process on high until a dough ball forms.
- Place a piece of parchment paper on counter. Place dough ball in the center and roll with a rolling pin to around ⅛" - ¼" thickness. If you find it is sticking you can add another piece of parchment paper on top.
- I like to cut the jagged edges off to make a perfect circle but this is not necessary. You want the entire thing to fully fit on a baking sheet so that it cooks evenly.
- Keep crust on the parchment paper and place on a baking sheet.
- To precook the crust cook at 425 degrees for around 10-15 min or to desired crispness.
- NOTE: You will be adding toppings so will be putting it back in the oven for another 5 min or so. You want to make sure it is not too done/browned before you put on your other toppings.
- It is recommend to flip the crust once or twice during cooking if you want a crisper crust. The easiest way I have found to flip the crust is to do the following. Remove from the oven and pick up the crust while still on the parchment paper. Place on another baking sheet or cutting board (you need something that is flat and easy to lift so you can flip the crust). Place another piece of parchment paper on top of the crust. Lay your other pan or cutting board over the top. Carefully pick up the crust by holding it underneath and above and flip all together. Now the pan or cutting board will be under the crust and the crust will be on the new piece of parchment paper.
- Place the crust sill on the parchment paper back on the hot pan and place back in the oven. the longer it cooks the easier flipping will become because it will start to crisp up.
- If you want a softer crust you can skip flipping it or cook for less time.
- While crust is cooking slice the olives, onions and salami. Chop or tear the basil and oregano.
- After precooking remove the crust from the oven and lightly brush with olive oil. Sprinkle with garlic powder and add the toppings (olives, onions, salami, basil and oregano or any of your choosing).
- Put back in the oven for about 5 min or until edges brown and toppings slightly cook.
- Sprinkle with basil and oregano.
- Slice with a pizza cutter and serve.