When I think about healthy living it means much more to me than just what I eat. To truly live a well rounded, healthy lifestyle, it’s critical to consider not only food but fitness as well. When I think back to my younger days my reason for working out revolved solely around weight loss and burning calories. I started thinking this way around my junior year in high school. Before that, fitness was simply about playing sports and enjoying physical education classes.
I still remember scheduling my workouts after school and not letting anyone come down into the basement until I was finished. I mean how horrible would it be for your Mom, Dad or sister to see you doing step aerobics? Funny right? Thinking back to my high school and college days and then into my 20’s workouts were never about fun or improving my health they were always focused on losing weight.
If my older self could tell my younger self something about working out it would be STOP OBSESSING OVER YOUR WEIGHT!
When you change your mindset and realize working out is less about weight loss and more about becoming a “healthier you” it’s only then that you become more dedicated and see greater results. I’m not saying weight loss should not be part of your goals. I’m just saying that thinking about it in terms of improving your overall health vs. just focusing on what the scale says will give you a new more positive perspective.
So, with that said I’m excited to share the running plan that helped me get my running groove back. Since the birth of my son, it has taken me close to 3 years to be back to running 3 miles most days of the week. I have gone through running phases but have not been able to stick to it until now.
If you have been struggling with something similar or have been interested in starting a running routine this plan is for you! The best part is you seriously will be able to run 3 miles in 3 weeks. What always blows my mind when I fall off the workout wagon is how fast your body can bounce back.
Our bodies are made to move!
Once you get over that first-week hump it will feel so good you won’t want to stop. I hope you enjoy this simple running plan and would love to hear about your results!
In Love, Health + Gratitude,