Ready for challenge twelve?
Nutrition and the mind body connection are critical for overall health but one additional area that is so important to focus on is reducing your toxic load. You may or may not be well versed on the number of toxins we come in contact with each day and the affect they can have on our health. If this is an area you are unfamiliar with or have been avoiding because you don’t know where to start I’m hoping this weeks challenge will help you take a few steps forward toward living a more toxic free life. Toxins can come from a multitude of things such as pesticide and insecticides used on food, in the air we breath and from cleaning products. But, one of the greatest areas of exposure comes from our personal care products so this is where we are going to focus our efforts this week.
I believe education is one of the most important things when it comes to just about any topic so I’m going to share a bit of information before we get into the actual challenge. Did you know the average American woman uses a minimum of 12 products before they even step foot out the door in the morning? With makeup touch ups throughout the day and a second shower after the gym this can add up to hundreds of chemicals every single day. And the reality is men are using more products these days than they have in the past. In addition babies and children are coming in contact daily with products such as baby shampoo, diaper cream and lotion. We want to protect our children and you would think product manufacturers would too but the reality is the only person that can look out for your family is you.
The European Union has banned close to 1,400 ingredients. However, the United States has only banned or restricted 11. Did that just blow you mind? The first time I heard this statistic I was shocked and filled with anger. We may think our government would want to protect us but the reality is it’s our job to seek out information and protect ourselves. If there is anything I have learned throughout my health struggles it’s that you have to be your own advocate and continually seek information. Today, the personal care industry is self regulated. Companies are legally allowed to use whatever chemicals they want including those that are known human carcinogens and hormone disruptors. The last time Congress passed a law regulating the cosmetics industry was 1938! Do the math. That was 80 years ago! So much has changed in the last 80 years in regards to the introduction of chemicals in our environment. It’s not surprising chronic illness is either affecting us or someone we know.
Safe beauty and skin care products are so important to overall health and educating others about this topic is such a huge passion of mine. I used to go to Sephora and buy whatever was the hot new item without ever taking one look at the ingredients on the back of the package. Just as you do with food you have to read the label! And, this is even more important for brands that make “green” claims. I know a lot about this topic and still get fooled by a “clean beauty” product from time to time. If you are not already familiar with the EWG Skin Deep website familiarize yourself. It’s one of the easiest ways to investigate a product or chemical and learn whether or not it is safe. You want to find products that rank between a 1-3. If you are interested in learning more about some of the most common chemicals found in personal care products check out my Top 6 Toxic Beauty Ingredients to Avoid post.
Ok, now onto the challenge. I don’t want you to feel overwhelmed and think you have to throw out all of your current products so I am going to break this down and give you options on how you can approach it. The goal of this challenge is for you to take a look at the products you are currently using and become educated on their safety. Then, I want you to toss out one product that you feel you can live without and work to find a clean, non-toxic replacement. I know it may bring tears to your eyes to toss out all your Chanel makeup… I know it did for me 7 or so years ago. But, once it goes in the trash you will feel liberated and good about not supporting companies without your best interest at heart. Oh, and if you are thinking where the heck am I going to find new products that I will love. Look no further than your local Whole Foods or Co Op and even Target! It’s amazing how many non-toxic beauty brands are becoming easily accessible.
Ready, Set, Go…. Challenge Time
The first step is to set up your free account at if you have not already.
Simply click here to register for your free account.
Challenge Twelve Instructions:
Let’s continue to inspire each other!
If you need any help using the Health Story Lines app check out this amazing video!
If you missed my earlier challenges you will find them here!