Meet Katie
Hi! I’m Katie, a Certified Transformational Nutrition and Autoimmune Disease Coach, a busy mom, and creator.
Back in 2006, I started struggling with my health. After a number of years, I was diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis and Chronic Iritis. I began blogging as a way to share my story and help those struggling with their health and autoimmunity. My goal was to give others hope that healing and living a life free of chronic symptoms is possible. I couldn’t find anyone sharing anything positive, but I knew deep down that I would get better. I knew my body could heal. I just needed to figure out the puzzle of what my body needed. Slowly but surely, I found my way and healed!
Discovering the connection between the mind, body, and nervous system (mind body connection) opened my eyes to why I was suffering from chronic pain and symptoms. Now, I teach others that they can heal and live a life free from symptoms. Once you understand how the brain and nervous system work, as well as your body, it helps to remove the fear of struggling with a chronic illness and gives you back the power you lost along the way.
Over time, my passion for the mind-body connection, nervous system regulation, and nutrition became my life’s purpose—to answer the calling to help others get back to living the life they deserve. So, I enrolled at the Institute of Transformational Nutrition for my certifications, and I have never looked back. I feel that God has truly blessed me in this life, and remembering each day what I am grateful for makes all the difference. I help others see that health struggles can be one of the greatest gifts we are given, and all it takes to heal is you! I feel honored and blessed that you are here.
Click here to read my Ankylosing Spondylitis Story
Click here to read my UPDATED Ankylosing Spondylitis and Chronic Iritis Healing Story
*Photo Credit: Josh Olson