Happy December! Let’s have a conversation about getting intentional this last month of 2022! If you are reading this post in a different month or a different year keep reading! You will still find this information helpful regardless of when you see it because these ideas apply at any time during the year! I love the idea of using December to build momentum moving into the new year. We have almost 4 full weeks until 2023 rolls around. That may not seem like a lot, but it’s more time than you may think. For example, let’s say you want to start working out in the new year. If starting today you complete 3-5 workouts a week you will have worked out 12-20 times by January 1! That’s huge! Think of how much more in shape you will be after those 12-20 workouts. And those workouts don’t need to be an hour long. What if you did just 15 minutes of exercise a day? Later in this post, I will be talking about baby steps and this would be an example of that. Doing something small in December will lead to big changes come January. Now, take a moment to close your eyes. Think about how it would feel to wake up on January 1st already on the path to doing something you want to do in the New Year. It would feel pretty great, wouldn’t it? Use this feeling during and after you read this post to keep yourself moving forward. When you attach a feeling to why you want to do something it solidifies it that much more. Use today or the days ahead to think deeply about the aspirations you have for yourself and your life in 2023. Take a look at what worked and what didn’t for you in 2022. Think about what you want to shift in a new direction. Or, is there something new that you want to learn or add to your life? HOW TO MOVE INTO THE NEW YEAR WITH INTENTION The title of this blog post includes the word intentional so let’s start by defining intention. Intention: an act or instance of determining mentally upon some action or result. To do things with intention requires thought vs. just winging it or moving through the motions and hoping you accomplish what you set out to do. In my opinion, intention is the key to making…
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