In October of 2020, I was a speaker at the Clean Eating Summit along with 15 other experts. I shared the Whole Life Approach that I use to help people reclaim their health and lives. In my interview, I share my story, my Whole Life Approach, and the benefits, and actionable steps you can take right now. Regardless of if you are working to eat cleaner or struggling with chronic illness/autoimmunity, you will find information that you can use starting today to transform your health and life. I also shared two FREE exercises which you will find below along with printouts that can be used to implement change in your life starting today. Click on the images
Before diving into these exercises either watch the INTERVIEW VIDEOS or read the INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPT.
Now that you have watched the videos or read the transcript you can dig into the exercises below.
There is one more VIDEO to watch before you get started. Click the image below.
The First Exercise is about Re-Writing Your Beliefs About Clean Eating.
Beliefs start forming when we are very young. One small experience can create a belief we carry with us throughout our lives. The beliefs we have about ourselves and the world around us can either help or hinder the goals we want to achieve. The purpose of this exercise is to list out the current beliefs you hold about clean eating and then re-write those beliefs. Click the IMAGE below or HERE to get your Free Printout.
The Second Exercise is about Finding Your Why. You will find step by step directions to help you identify the “WHY” behind what you want to do. This exercise references clean eating but you can apply these steps to any health goal.
Check out this article I wrote “8 Ways Identifying Your “WHY” Will Help You On Your Healing Journey” to learn more about how helpful finding your “WHY” can be when it comes to our health goals.
Ready to get started on the second exercise? Click the IMAGE below or HERE to get your Free Printout.
The other FREEBIE I gave away at this summit was my Nutrient Dense Smoothie Road Map. Recently I created an An Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) Compliant version of this roadmap. Pick one and then print it out and keep it in your kitchen for easy reference!
I hope you found this interview and exercises helpful! If you are seeking change in your life and are ready to dig deep into why you are suffering with chronic health issues or are simply ready to make improvements to your daily habits consider reaching out or take a look at my coaching offering HERE.
In Love, Health + Gratitude,