This week I celebrated my 37th birthday (yes, I just shared my age with you, some people get all worked up about that sort of thing but not me) and can’t believe I am already past my mid 30’s, but at the same time turning 30 seems so long ago. Either way, I view one year older as a good thing. It means I am not only older but wiser (oops, I just totally sounded like my Mom). As I have moved through my 30’s I have learned a lot about life and myself. I would not trade my life or this very moment for anything. My birthday happens to come right around my blog anniversary. I had no idea what I was doing when I started this blog a year ago, all I knew is that I wanted to use it as a place to share what I am doing to live a whole lovely life as well as a format to reach people dealing with autoimmune disease or just wanting to get healthier. Through Instagram and this blog, I have connected with a number of amazing people I am now blessed to call friends. This last year is proof that when you embrace even the things that feel like a negative in your life something great will come.
This year has been so freeing for me however, not free of challenges. Through it all I have learned a few things and here they are. I have been much more patient with myself. I know I am doing the best I can and I truly believe that. I used to always focus and worry about the future, but now I focus on the blessings God has granted me thus far. I know there can only be good things ahead. Perspective is a huge part of happiness. Look for the good and you will find the good. Connecting and helping others is less about them and more about you (sounds selfish but it isn’t). You actually get more out of it then they do. Nothing feels better than knowing you had an impact on someone and their life or situation. Being a Mom rocks even more than the year before. Loving a child and being loved by a child is the best thing in the world. Surrounding yourself with people who support you and your mission makes what you are trying to do that much easier.
In the next year there are a few things I want to focus on. I need to slow down and savor the moments. The world is different and having cell phones and information at our finger tips is an amazing thing, but it can also take away from living in the moment and enjoying what is happening right now. Work emails or the perfect Instagram post can wait. My goal is to detach from my phone a few hours at night so I can fully focus on my son and husband. I will continue to search for ways to improve my health and not give up. Even though I will be starting medication for my iritis I don’t feel defeated, only more empowered. I will continue to connect with others and focus on positive thinking. I will also be working on expanding this blog to include some of my other passions. All in all 36 has been an amazing year and I am so ready to dive right into 37! Thank you for coming along with me this year. I appreciate each and every one of you.
To celebrate my birthday I whipped up this delicious Cucumber Lime Mint Mocktail. It’s a perfect balance of slightly sweet, sour, salty and refreshing. Perfect for the holiday weekend. Enjoy!
- 2 medium to large sized cucumbers
- juice from 4 limes
- 4 large sprigs of fresh mint
- 1 Tbsp sweetener of choice (raw honey, maple syrup) or you can use 4-6 drops of liquid Stevia
- Optional: sea salt for rim, 4 slices of cucumber (slice before peeling), 4 small mint sprigs
- Peel cucumbers and scoop out seeds. The easiest way to scoop out the seeds is to cut lengthwise after peeling and run a spoon down the center. Set aside.
- Juice limes. Set juice aside.
- Remove mint leaves from stems and wash.
- In a blender combine cucumber, lime juice and mint leaves.
- Blend on high until fully combined.
- If serving with salt take lime peel and rub across the top of the glass. Dip in salt. Add ice to glasses and pour over the top. Garnish with a cucumber slice, mint leaves or both.