Whole Lovely Life https://www.wholelovelylife.com/ Creating a whole lovely life Mon, 03 Mar 2025 15:21:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://www.wholelovelylife.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/cropped-popup-pink-2-32x32.png Whole Lovely Life https://www.wholelovelylife.com/ 32 32 8 Health Beliefs I Changed My Mind About (And Why) https://www.wholelovelylife.com/8-health-beliefs-i-changed-my-mind-about-and-why/ https://www.wholelovelylife.com/8-health-beliefs-i-changed-my-mind-about-and-why/#respond Sat, 01 Mar 2025 19:27:25 +0000 https://www.wholelovelylife.com/?p=8351 For most of my adult life I followed the common advice we hear over and over. Cut calories, do more cardio, fast every day, and avoid carbs. But over time, I realized many of these so-called “truths” weren’t helping me feel or perform my best. Through research, personal experience, and expert insights I’ve completely changed my perspective on some of the biggest health beliefs I once held. If you’ve ever questioned whether daily fasting is right for you, if strength training is really necessary, or if carbs are the enemy this post is for you. In this post I will be sharing eight health and wellness beliefs I got wrong and what I know now. Do you ever admit to yourself that you got it wrong and change your mind? I definitely do. If we’re not shifting our views over time, we might be missing out on powerful new perspectives. Growth comes from staying open to different ideas and ways of thinking. New research, personal experiences, and evolving as individuals all shape the way we see the world. Changing your mind isn’t a weakness. It’s a sign of learning and progress. We should always stay curious when encountering new ideas, especially those that challenge our perspective. Instead of criticizing others for their views, we should ask why they believe what they do. One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned through coaching is that our beliefs are shaped by our unique life experiences. Unfortunately today, people are quick to judge, criticize, or dismiss differing opinions. What if  instead we chose to be open and curious? We might just learn something that shifts our perspective for the better. Give yourself permission to let go of outdated beliefs. Letting go of outdated beliefs means being open to learning and adapting rather than holding onto something just because it feels familar. We are all very comfortable challenging other people’s views but the views we should be challenging are our own. I love when I come across something such as a conversation, a podcast, or an article and it completely shakes up my perspective or challenges a strongly held belief. I look at it as an opportunity to research and think deeper. So starting today consider embracing new ideas and questioning what you think you know. Look at it as the opportunity to never stop learning.  What I believed five or ten years ago isn’t…

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The Secret to Getting What You Want: Your Daily Actions Matter https://www.wholelovelylife.com/the-secret-to-getting-what-you-want-your-daily-actions-matter/ Tue, 25 Feb 2025 01:50:28 +0000 https://www.wholelovelylife.com/?p=8533 I recently heard the following, “What do I want.” “And are my daily behaviors supporting it.” I cannot pin point exactly where I heard it but it really resonated with me. So much that I wrote it on a post it note and have it in my kitchen. A place I spend a lot of time daily so I’m sure to see it frequently. This is such an eye opening statement. We all have goals for our lives. But a goal is just a goal. Without action it means nothing. Have you ever felt stuck or like you keep failing at the thing you want so badly in life? You might feel like  you’re doing all the things but not getting anywhere. We have all been there. It’s frustrating. And exhausting. But what if the problem isn’t that you aren’t working hard enough? What if the problem is that your daily actions don’t actually match what you say you want? Sometimes we think it’s the big things that move the needle but really it’s the small things we do each day. GETTING CLEAR ON WHAT YOU WANT First, you have to know what you’re working toward. This might sound obvious, but a lot of people don’t take the time to get clear. They say things like, “I want to be healthier” or “I want more balance.” But what does that really mean? Take a minute. Write it down. Be specific. If you want to be healthier, does that mean eating more protein? Moving your body daily? Getting better sleep? If you want more balance, does that mean setting boundaries? Cutting back on social media? Making time for hobbies? When you know exactly what you want, it’s easier to see if your actions are leading you there. DO YOUR DAILY ACTIONS MATCH? This is where things get real. Look at your typical day. Be one hundred percent brutally honest with yourself. Are your habits and choices supporting your goals? If you say you want to feel stronger but skip workouts and eat whatever’s easy, you’re not aligning with that goal. If you want to be more present with your family but spend every spare second on your phone, something has to change. The truth is, big goals don’t happen overnight. They come from small choices made over and over. You don’t need a complete life overhaul. You just need to shift…

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The Silent Stressor: How to Recognize and Let Go Of Internal Stress https://www.wholelovelylife.com/the-silent-stressor-how-to-recognize-and-let-go-of-internal-stress/ Wed, 19 Feb 2025 17:13:45 +0000 https://www.wholelovelylife.com/?p=8496 THE SECRET TO REAL CONTROL We all have internal stress we just may not realize it. We all experience stress. Some of it comes from outside forces (external stress). Things like traffic jams, work deadlines, and unexpected life events. But there’s another type of stress, one that often goes unnoticed: internal stress . Unlike external stress, which is caused by things that are out of our control. Internal stress is something we can manage. The secret? It all comes down to control. As humans, we have a deep need for control. When we’re upset whether with others, our situation, or the emotions we are experiencing it is often because we feel like we’ve lost control in some way. The good news? By understanding the difference between external and internal stress we can shift our focus to what we can control (our response) and reduce the daily stress that wears us down. When I first started learning about the mind body connection, I was struggling with severe ankylosing spondylitis and chronic iritis symptoms. One of the biggest aha moments I had at the beginning of my healing journey was realizing the majority of my stress was coming from within. I was creating it on my own. Through my thoughts, people pleasing tendencies, and perfectionism. All of it! It was a huge awakening. Once we know something, we can do better. As I gained tools to understand myself, I slowly made changes that completely transformed my life. EXTERNAL STRESS VS. INTERNAL STRESS External Stress: These are things that happen to us. A delayed flight, a rainy day ruining your plans, someone cutting you off in traffic. We have zero control over these things. Internal Stress: This comes from how we respond to life and the challenges we encounter along the way. It’s the expectations we put on ourselves, our fears, on others and our need for things to go a certain way. Life will always be full of challenges. This is inevitable. Our mindset and perspective dictates whether these challenges rob us of our energy and power or allow us to come out on the other side stronger than when we went in. This is a topic I explore with my coaching clients in my three month program. And, most of the time, it becomes one of the most profound realizations for them. The best part of realizing that most of our stress is internal is that control falls…

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Sprint Your Way to Better Health and Less Visceral Fat https://www.wholelovelylife.com/sprint-your-way-to-better-health-and-less-visceral-fat/ Sun, 09 Feb 2025 19:17:59 +0000 https://www.wholelovelylife.com/?p=8441 THE CASE FOR SPRINTING AT ANY AGE When we’re younger sprinting is naturally part of our lives. Whether we’re playing tag with friends, racing, or participating in youth sports we are sprinting almost daily. However, as we age sprinting becomes a thing of the past unless we are purposely planning it into our lives. Over the past year or so I have learned about the importance of sprinting. So, I thought it was finally time to share a bit about the benefits and how I have personally incorporated sprinting into my weekly fitness routine. Springing is a simple yet powerful way to boost your health, burn fat, and improve your overall fitness. One of the best aspects of sprinting is it is a super quick and very effective workout. Making it perfect for a rest day or to tag on at the end of a workout. There are multiple health benefits to sprinting but the one that caught my attention the most has to do with visceral fat. Recently I listened to Max Lugavere’s podcast with Dr. Sean O’Mara  and learned that sprinting is one of the most effective ways to reduce visceral fat. WHAT IS VISCERAL FAT AND WHY IS IT SO DANGEROUS If the term visceral fat is new to you know you are not alone. Most people have never heard of visceral fat let alone know what it is. Visceral fat is not the fat we can pinch on our body. The fat we all are aware of is the fat that sits right under the skin which we can easily feel and see. This fat is called subcutaneous fat. Subcutaneous fat is a healthy fat that insulates the body, stores energy, and protects bones and muscles. While subcutaneous fat considered a good fat too much of it is not good for our health. Visceral fat on the other had is the fat stored deep within our abdominal cavity. It wraps around vital organs like the liver, pancreas, and intestines. Unlike subcutaneous fat visceral fat is hidden. And, as we know when we can’t see something we don’t think much about it which is what can make it so dangerous. Out of sight out of mind. Excess visceral fat increases your risk for heart disease, type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, high blood pressure, and certain cancers. Visceral fat is dangerous because it is metabolically active which means…

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Red Dye No. 3: What’s the Deal and Why You Should Care https://www.wholelovelylife.com/red-dye-no-3-whats-the-deal-and-why-you-shouldcare/ Mon, 03 Feb 2025 22:49:47 +0000 https://www.wholelovelylife.com/?p=8419 THE TROUBLING HISTORY OF ARTIFICIAL FOOD DYES Whether or not you closely follow the health and wellness community there is pretty a good chance that you have heard the news that Red No. 3 is finally being banned in the United States. I’m not sure about you but when I heard this was happening I was pretty excited. We deserve better and should have full knowledge of what is in our food and the potential harm of these ingredients to human health. However, when I started researching the history of food dyes I realized that this has happened before. When one harmful additive is removed, another often takes its place. While I do feel hopeful for the future of food in the U.S. at the same time I am a bit skeptical. To understand why I am skeptical you have to understand a little bit about the history of artificial food dyes and why they have been banned in the past. In addition we also need to look at why the U.S. food system continues to allow harmful additives in processed food while other countries take a more precautionary approach. THE HISTORY OF RED DYE NO. 3 Red Dye No. 3 has been a staple in the food industry for decades It is used to give candies, baked goods, medications, and even dog and cat food a bright red or pink hue. It is also in things you may not think about like bacon bits, meat, and cheese sticks. However, its safety has been questioned since the 1960s due to studies that have linked it to thyroid cancer in lab animals. In 1990, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) banned Red Dye No. 3 from use in cosmetics and topical drugs because of these cancer concerns. You read that right! Banned for things that go ON the body but not banned for things that go IN the body. Honestly it is insane! Can you believe that after all of these years it has remained in food and oral medications? This should make all of us angry. So many people I work with who finally become aware of what is in their food have told me that they had no idea food additives could be harmful. They just assumed that if it was on the store shelf then it must be safe. The reason Red Dye No. 3 continued to…

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HERBAL FACE FOOD UPDATED REVIEW + 30% OFF YOUR FIRST ORDER https://www.wholelovelylife.com/herbal-face-food-updated-review-30-off-your-first-order/ Tue, 29 Oct 2024 16:38:17 +0000 https://www.wholelovelylife.com/?p=8357 Just in case you don’t feel like reading this entire post and are here for 30% off click here. Use WholeLovelyLife at check out. You won’t be disappointed by this product I promise! I started my Herbal Face Food journey back in the fall of 2021. I cannot believe it has been 3 years since I started using these products. Given its been quite a while I thought it was time for an updated review. The first products I used were The Serum 1 and The Cure X. I used them for about a year and then moved up to The Serum 2 and the The Serum 3 which is what I currently use. In addition I just recently switched from The Cure X to The Cure Extreme XX. It has been a steady climb to the top and I have loved every moment. Waking up each day to skin that is balanced, glowing, and healthy. In this post I will share my current skincare routine. I will also link to all of my previous, detailed reviews of these products. Taking some time to learn about what sets these products apart is worth your while. There is nothing like Herbal Face Food on the market which is something we hear from a lot of skincare brands but Herbal Face Food has the ingredients, the information, and the performance to back up this claim. It truly stands out. If you know anything about me you know I love anything and everything skincare. There is always temptation to try something new. Before I started using Herbal Face Food I was constantly trying the next new skincare product with a list of promises. I’m not going to lie. When you love skincare as much as I do the temptation is always there to try something new but what I have found over these last 3 years is nothing compares to Herbal Face Food. Nothing has changed my skin more than these products! What I noticed in the first few months of using these products and what I have continued to notice is Herbal Face Food gives me consistent good skin days. I no longer struggle with days of dryness, irritation, redness, and occasional breakouts. Overall my skin  looks and feels good every day. And, I feel good because I know I am not putting toxic ingredients on my skin. I am feeding my skin…

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Break Free from People Pleasing for a Healthier You https://www.wholelovelylife.com/break-free-from-people-pleasing-for-a-healthier-you/ Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:52:41 +0000 https://www.wholelovelylife.com/?p=8323 Do you ever feel like you’re living your life for everyone else? Always saying YES when you really want to say NO? Going out of your way to keep others happy, even when it leaves you feeling exhausted or resentful? If so, you’re not alone. I’ve been there too, and so many of us struggle with this habit of people pleasing which is simply putting others’ needs above our own. Often at the expense of our mental, emotional, and physical health. Learning about personality traits was one of my biggest eye openers on my healing from ankylosing spondylitis and chronic iritis. When I worked with a coach he introduced me to the idea that personality traits can affect everything from our daily stress levels to our chronic pain and autoimmune symptoms to achieving the goals we have for our lives. It’s not that there are good and bad personality traits. I like to view all from a neutral perspective. It’s just that certain personality traits can cause us to abandon ourselves leading to chronic stress and inner turmoil which can result in a dysregulated nervous system leading to all sorts of health issues. What is People Pleasing People pleasing is more than just being kind or helpful. It’s a pattern (pattern being the key here) of behavior where you prioritize others’ needs over your own. We people please often out of fear of rejection, disapproval, or conflict. We might find ourselves constantly saying yes, even when it adds stress or discomfort to our life. It’s like we are scared to say no. I know personally I have been there many, many times. People pleasing can also stem from a desire to be liked, accepted, or seen as good enough. Something so many of us struggle with! While being considerate of others and always wanting to help is a wonderful trait. At the end of the day people pleasing becomes unhealthy when it leaves you feeling drained, stressed, and disconnected from your own needs. Over time, this can lead to feelings of burnout, anxiety, and even make chronic symptoms worse or bring on new symptoms. When we carry the weight of constant stress and fear of not being able to say no in our bodies it makes everything in life harder. Where Does People Pleasing Come From There are many reasons why people fall into the behavior of people pleasing. For…

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Bold Journey Interview https://www.wholelovelylife.com/bold-journey-interview/ Sun, 18 Feb 2024 16:15:42 +0000 https://www.wholelovelylife.com/?p=8291 I recently had the honor of being interviewed by Bold Journey. In the interview, I shared my purpose (which can shift and evolve throughout our lives), a bit about my story, Whole Lovely Life, and coaching. I also discussed three things that were most impactful on my healing journey: Mindset, Learning to Listen to My Body and Intuition, and Perseverance. Additionally, I shared one of my favorite books, which is always on my recommendation list! If you are interested in reading the article you can find it here! In Love, Health + Gratitude, Katie *Photo Credit: Josh Olson DISCLAIMER  

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The Mind Body Connection Heals: Overcome Chronic Pain Summit 2.0 Interview https://www.wholelovelylife.com/the-mind-body-connection-heals-overcome-chronic-pain-summit-2-0-interview/ Sat, 17 Feb 2024 20:00:46 +0000 https://www.wholelovelylife.com/?p=8279 In November of 2023, I was a speaker at the Overcome Chronic Pain Summit 2.0 hosted by Catherine Courtice. It was an honor to be part of this summit along with other 27 other experts. In my interview I share how the mind body connection can heal chronic pain. I also shared my eBook called Anxiety: The Modern Day Struggle Rooted In Our Primitive Brains as my free gift for attending. You can get your hands on this eBook too by signing up for my newsletter here. This interview is applicable to your life regardless of whether you suffer from chronic pain or symptoms. Gaining an understanding of the mind body connection and how our brain and nervous system work can be life-changing. Resolving chronic symptoms is just a side effect! CLICK THE IMAGE above to WATCH the INTERVIEW or HERE and I hope you enjoy! In Love, Health + Gratitude, Katie DISCLAIMER

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Anxiety: The Modern-Day Struggle Rooted In Our Primitive Brains https://www.wholelovelylife.com/anxiety-the-modern-day-struggle-rooted-in-our-primitive-brains/ Sun, 16 Jul 2023 19:54:58 +0000 https://www.wholelovelylife.com/?p=8213 Anxiety disorders are very common so if you are suffering from anxiety know you are not alone. Anxiety affects adults but anxiety is a very common problem that affects children as well. I personally experienced anxiety and anxiety attacks as a child. Back then we called it a “nervousness problem”. I had daily anxiety but in addition would have these shaking spells after stressful events where it was difficult to calm down. I had a medication I would take that would help me to stop shaking and eventually become calmer. I have many vivid memories of these episodes. Many people who are experiencing autoimmune or chronic symptoms struggle with anxiety. Also, women are twice as likely to be affected by anxiety. I have my thoughts on why that is but I will save that for another post.  Anxiety can be detrimental to living a full and happy life. In this post we will explore anxiety and how you have more control over it then you may realize. AXIETY AND OUR PRIMITIVE BRAINS Anxiety is a common issue in modern society, stemming from our primitive brains. Although our brains are wired similarly to those of our ancestors, we now live in a vastly different environment. Our ancestors faced daily threats. We on the other hand do not. The environment we are living in today is very different from our ancestors and even though our environment is quite different our brains function the same. Anxiety can be understood as our brain’s way of protecting us. Our ancestors possessed a well-developed prefrontal cortex, which we still have today. This region of the brain is responsible for an essential function: planning for the future. This ability allowed our ancestors to survive various hardships by always considering worst-case scenarios. By anticipating potential dangers, they increased their chances of survival. Listening closely to these warnings enabled them to be prepared for the possible hazardous future ahead. It is crucial to understand our evolutionary process. Our ancestors encountered threats at every turn, often resulting in life-or-death situations. Therefore, they developed a strong focus on worst-case scenarios, which facilitated their survival. Over time, our environment has changed significantly (no longer featuring lurking tigers), while our brains have remained relatively unchanged. THE BRAIN DOES NOT KNOW THE DIFFERENCE Most of the fears we experience today are unrelated to our survival, although they may feel like life and death in…

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The Uncomfortable Truth: Why Comfort Can be Detrimental to Your Well-being https://www.wholelovelylife.com/the-uncomfortable-truth-why-comfort-can-be-detrimental-to-your-well-being/ Mon, 10 Jul 2023 17:55:52 +0000 https://www.wholelovelylife.com/?p=8194 Have you ever thought about the lives our ancestors led, filled with a great amount of discomfort in there everyday lives? They didn’t have the ease of purchasing warm, water-resistant down coats with a click of a button. They did not have any food their heart desired available on every corner, or the comfort of warm, cozy beds to climb into each night. Despite their hardships, our ancestors were stronger, both physically and mentally, thanks to the challenges and discomforts they faced. We often associate comfort with a sense of security, contentment, and peace. However, have you ever stopped to consider the potential drawbacks that comfort might bring? Let’s explore why excessive comfort can be detrimental to our health and our minds, and discover how embracing discomfort can lead to personal growth and a more fulfilling life. Take a moment to recall the most recent instance when you found yourself in an uncomfortable situation, and reflect on how you felt afterward. Whether it was a situation you purposefully created for yourself or one you happened to stumble into. I bet when you reflect you can find aspects of that experience that make you feel proud of  yourself or surprised you were able to make it through. COMFORT AND THE BRAIN Before we delve into the reasons why an excessively comfortable life can have negative effects on our health and well-being, it is important to understand the underlying reasons we gravitate towards comfort. Comfort is intricately linked to our brain’s innate desire for safety and security. Our brains are wired to seek out familiar and predictable environments, situations, and routines as a means of reducing perceived threats and maintaining a sense of stability. The comfort we experience serves as a protective mechanism, allowing our brains to conserve energy and minimize risks. It acts as a shield against the unknown and potential dangers that could throw us off balance. While comfort may bring a sense of security, pushing ourselves outside of comfort can lead to amazing growth. WHY COMFORT CAN BE DETRIMENTAL TO YOUR WELL-BEING  The Alluring Trap of Comfort: In our modern world, comfort is constantly marketed to us as the ultimate goal. We’re bombarded with advertisements promising a life of ease and convenience, enticing us to seek comfort at every turn. Many of us go from an air conditioned or heated home, to an air conditioned or heated car into…

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A 30-Day Journey: My Review and Personal Experience the DrNatura Colonix Cleanse + Save 15% https://www.wholelovelylife.com/a-30-day-journey-my-review-and-personal-experience-the-drnatura-colonix-cleanse-save-15/ Mon, 12 Jun 2023 18:54:25 +0000 https://www.wholelovelylife.com/?p=8160 I recently completed the 30 Day DrNatura Colonix Cleanse. DrNatura sent me the cleanse free of charge but did not request this review. I am a fan of this cleanse so wanted to share it with all. If you have been looking for an affordable (compared to others on the market) and effective cleanse to try then DrNatura might be a good fit for you. The first time I completed this cleanse was in 1999, which was a long time ago! I enjoyed it the first time around so when DrNatura reached out I was excited to try it again. Back then I was having digestive problems and I recall it helping me feel better. This time I came into the cleanse in a very good state of health and with healthy digestion so I did not necessarily experience dramatic results. However, I still think I benefited from the 30 days. Maintaining a healthy digestive system is vital for overall well-being, and an effective way to achieve this is through a comprehensive cleanse. The DrNatura Colonix Cleanse is a popular and trusted option. In this review, we’ll delve into the company’s background, walk through what makes up the DrNatura 30 Day Cleanse, explore the possible benefits of cleansing, and my personal experience. ABOUT DR. NATURA DrNatura was founded in 1998 by Dr. Albert Zehr. Driven by a mission to enhance wellness through natural means, the company offers a range of high-quality products to help cleanse and keep your digestive system healthy. DrNatura has garnered a solid reputation over the years, gaining the trust of numerous individuals seeking natural solutions to digestive health. When I consider any product I do a lot of research. Given this product has been on the market for a very long time it is easy to find countless reviews. My recommendation is to always do your own research and work with a healthcare profession. This will enable you to determine what products are the right fit for you based on your current health state and health goals. Don’t just take my word for it. Do your own research. UNDERSTANDING THE COLONIX 30 DAY CLEANSE The Colonix Cleanse is one of DrNatura’s primary products, designed to support the detoxification and cleansing of the colon. This comprehensive program consists of three essential components: the Colonix Intestinal Cleanser, the Paranil Capsules, and the KleriTea. Colonix Intestinal Cleanser: The Colonix…

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