Winter means the days are shorter, it’s dark when you go to work and leave in the evening and the constant chill in the air is refreshing to a point but if you are like me by this time you are longing for the day you feel the warm sun on your body again. Winter hibernation anyone? Many times the last thing I want to do is go outside into the cold. Especially living in Minneapolis. Our weather can be down right unbearable at times. Staying inside where it is warm is much more enticing. I was recently listening to a podcast and the topic of how to stay mentally sound during the winter months came up. Did you know eating mango during the winter can have a positive impact on your winter blues? Mango reminds most people of summer months, hot weather and vacations on the beach. I certainly agree! Eating a mango can do more than just putting you in a better mood. It has great health benefits too. Mango is filled with a number of antioxidants, can help alkalize the body and is amazing for the immune system. It contains vitamin C, vitamin A and many different carotenoids. One additional bonus to mention is they are also lowest tropical fruit on the glycemic index.
One of my favorite ways to eat mango all year round is as Instant Mango Lime Sorbet! Not only is this sorbet delicious but it is completely free of anything artificial and has optional natural sweetener if you feel you need it. I used to love getting mango sorbet at the store but even the “healthier” brands were still loaded with cane sugar. The best part is you can literally whip this up in seconds. Hence the word “instant” in the title. Just throw frozen mango in a food process with juice from a lime and process until smooth. Use an ice cream scoop for a pretty presentation. Enjoy!
- 1 bag of frozen mango
- juice from ½ lime
- Optional: 1 tsp sweetener (grade B maple syrup, raw honey)
- Put frozen mango in food processor.
- Juice lime.
- Put lime juice in food processor along with optional sweetener.
- Process on high until smooth and cream.
- Scoop into a bowl and enjoy.