It’s the Michael Todd Beauty Sonic Eraser Pro! I have a love hate relationship with beauty tools because half the time I forget to use them or don’t use them consistently. Consistency is the key to anything! When you are a busy, working Mom and getting your 5 year old just to brush his teeth at night is a real struggle you need something that is easy and fast to use that also delivers real results. This product does just that.
Let’s chat a bit about how the Sonic Eraser Pro works. It utilizes a 3-in-1 delivery system called Triplex Infusion Technology™ to help the beneficial ingredients in your skincare products break through the skin’s outer barrier and absorb with maximum efficiency into the stratum corneum. This allows you to get more benefits out of your oils, serums and creams when you apply them with the Sonic Eraser Pro instead of just your fingers. Triplex Infusion Technology™simultaneously utilizes sonic, ionic and thermal infusion to help your skincare products absorb deeper into the skin. Yes, I said thermal infusion! This tool heats up. Don’t worry it doesn’t get super hot. It warms up to 107 F which is the ideal temperature to gently open the pores so that product is better absorbed. This tool works well for all skin types and is like getting a 5 minute facial every day!
- This tool can be used with any of your current skincare products. I have even been using it with Herbal Face Food Serums and The Cream and love that it helps with the absorption of the product.
- It’s so easy to use! You can use it without looking in a mirror and honestly could probably even use it in the dark which means you can use it while chasing your kiddos around at night trying to get them ready for bed. Mom life!
- When you touch the metal part of the tool to your skin it immediately starts working. There is no on/off switch.
- If you use multiple products you can use this tool to apply all. For example, use with your serum first and then layer on your moisturizer.
- A full charge lasts for 40 minutes! This allows me to charge just once per week which is perfect.
- The head is small allowing it to work on all areas of the face. You can use all over or on trouble areas like crows feet or around the mouth.
- It delivers results! Plump, bright, smooth, radiant skin.
Nighttime Routine: I first cleanse my skin with Herbal Face Food The Cure X Soap and pat dry. Then, I put Herbal Face Food Serum all over my face. I spend 2-3 minutes on targeted areas. Around my eyes, the area right above my nose and eyebrows and around my mouth. I then apply a light layer of Herbal Face Food The Cream all over my face and massage with the Sonic Eraser. I spent about 5 minutes total using the tool on my face and neck.
Morning Routine: Most mornings I use the Sonic Eraser to apply my Herbal Face Food Serum only.
If you are looking for something to take your skincare routine to the next level this tool is it! Not only will you see improvements to your skin but you will get the most out of the products you are using.
In Love, Health + Gratitude,