The first time I had romanesca was during my first trip to China more than five years ago. If you have not had it before it has a similar consistency to cauliflower and tastes a lot like broccoli. Upon returning from my trip I looked everywhere for it. I not only loved the flavor but also loved how it looked. I mean how cool does this vegetable look? The color, the intricate detail of the florets. Seriously, so beautiful! A lot of time went by before I finally found it at my local Whole Foods but when I did I could hardly contain my excitement. Romanesca has a short growing season and is typically available during the month of March but you may find it at other times. If you can’t find romanesca in your local store I recommend substituting either cauliflower or broccoli for this recipe. If you do find romanesca jump for joy and serve it at your next dinner party. You will certainly impress your friends. Like all cruciferous vegetables Romanesca is high in carotenoids lutein, zeaxanthin and beta-carotene, as well as other anti-oxidants.
I think you are going to love this Romanesca With Roasted Lemon + Garlic recipe! It makes the perfect summer dish alongside your favorite paleo or vegan protein. Enjoy!
- 1 head of romanesca
- 2 Tbsp olive oil or ghee if you eat dairy + a slight more to brush on garlic and lemons
- 1 head garlic
- ¼ tsp sea salt
- 1 lemon
- 2 Tbsp filtered water
- Roast garlic head by removing peeling and cutting off about ¼ inch off the top to reveal garlic cloves.
- Brush garlic head lightly with olive oil and wrap in foil.
- Bake at 400 degrees for around 40 min.
- While garlic is roasting wash lemon well as you will consume the skin. Slice and lay out on a parchment line baking sheet. Optional: To remove bitterness from lemon you can drop slices in a pot of boiling water for 1-2 minutes prior to roasting. But I personally love the slight bitterness of a roasted lemon. You decide!
- Lightly brush lemons with olive oil.
- Roast at 400 for 10-15 min. Flip half way through. Once they start to brown they will cook quickly so keep your eye on them.
- In a skillet add 2 Tbsp olive oil, chopped romanesca and sea salt. Cook on medium high heat for 5 min. Add 2 Tbsp filtered water and cover with a lid. This will allow the romanesca to steam slightly. Keep the lid on for 5 min.
- After 5 min remove the lid and continue to cook romanesca stirring often until slightly browned. Around 15 min.
- Once garlic and lemon are roasted remove from the oven.
- Remove garlic cloves from head and add to the romanesca. Toss well then put in a serving dish. Place roasted lemon slices on top and serve.