“Sweet is the first taste humans prefer from birth, “says Christine Gebastabt, MD, RD, a dietitian, and American Dietetic Association spokeswomen. This is due to the natural sweetness of breastmilk.
Sweets are all around us. They are part of every culture and play a role in our happiest moments and celebrations. They are associated with our memories and soothe us when we are having a bad day.
Sugar has not only been found to contribute to a number of health issues but research shows that it can be even more addicting than cocaine. Scary right?
It has been found that the link between sugar and addictive behavior is due to the fact that sugar stimulates the same reward circuits in the brain that are activated by cocaine.
And, every time we eat sugar, we are reinforcing those neuropathways. The more we eat sugar the more we are hardwiring our brains to crave it.
Even though sugar has a bad rap, I do believe sugar in moderation can be part of a healthy lifestyle. Everything in life is about balance including what we put in our mouths.
However, if sugar has become part of your every day and you are feeling like you can’t live life without it. It may be time for a little sugar detox.
Need help kicking your sugar cravings to the curb? The 10 tips below will help you get started!
Article continued HERE on The Institute of Transformational Nutrition Blog.
In Love, Health + Gratitude,