The very word can either bring a smile to your face or make you cringe. My relationship with exercise over the years has done both.
During times when I worked out consistently, I felt great. One of the many benefits of exercise is the release of a chemical called dopamine.
Dopamine is a neurotransmitter in the brain and responsible for feelings of happiness.
Exercise also helps to regulate stress, increase muscle mass and maintain a healthy weight. All of these things lead to feeling great and making exercise easy to stick to.
However, in the past, there were moments where I did nothing for months. I would get so angry at myself. I spent tons of time getting back in shape all to just let it go.
Does anyone relate?
For years I would cycle through “being in the best shape of my life” to sitting on my toosh or hitting the snooze button.
Here is where the problem was. In the past, I used working out as a way to control my body and what it looked like. I never viewed it as something that benefited my health. I never truly appreciated it and what it could bring to my life.
And, this is where EVERYTHING changed!
During the lowest points of my health struggle with ankylosing spondylitis and chronic iritis, I yearned to work out but couldn’t.
My body physically was not able to do it.
When I began to solve my healing puzzle and started to live with less pain and symptoms all of a sudden working out became a privilege. I was so thankful for days when I felt good enough to exercise.
Slowly my mindset on exercise shifted from something I HAD to do to control my body and how it looked to something I was GRATEFUL to be able do. I realized what a blessing it was to feel good enough to workout!
There are so many blessings in our lives. Sometimes we need to change our perspective to truly see them.
On workout days before I jump on my Peloton bike or tread or pick up some weights I say the following:
“I am blessed to work out today.”
“Thank you for my healthy body that allows me to do this workout.”
“Thank you for my strong heart, legs, back, and arms.”
“I am grateful for this workout and all the healing benefits it provides my mind, body, and spirit.”
If you are struggling with sticking to a workout plan consider a shift in your perspective. Try saying one or all of the above before your next workout and see what happens.
I say all of this with one caveat. Listen to your body! There are going to be days when our body says NO to a workout and that is OK.
Do you thank your body before working out? Please share in the comments below.
In Love, Health + Gratitude,