I have to admit it took some time for me to get into bone broth. There was something about it that turned me off but once I finally made the commitment to have a cup a day I was hooked. Now, barely a day goes by where I don’t consume bone broth. And, H asks for it a few mornings a week so he is hooked too! Bone broth is not only amazing for adults but an excellent choice for kids especially before they head off to school.
If you are a bone broth newbie and reluctant to try it like I was I’m hoping after reading this you will have more information on why bone broth is amazing and some fun ways to use to keep things exciting.
Let’s first talk a little bit about the history of bone broth. While on my long healing journey the one thing I kept coming back to was the fact that there is so much knowledge from the people and cultures who came before us. In modern society, we are always looking for the next best thing or an easy fix but the reality is if we look at the way people did things or used things in the past we might just learn something. Bone Broth is a perfect example of this.

Bone broth has been used in many cultures not only for consumption but as a remedy prescribed by doctors since the start of Chinese Medicine. It was prescribed to nourish the kidneys, support Qi and to help with building the blood. And you have probably heard one of the most famous quotes from Hippocrates which is, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”. It is said he recommended it to those with digestive issues.
Today we know nutrient dense bone broth is filled with vitamins and minerals and assists in good gut health (click here for a great article to learn more about this). Is is also amazing for joint, skin and hair health, reduces inflammation, aids in restful sleep and can even help with weight loss.
Modern society has allowed us the ability and convenience to learn from our ancestors and get back to the basics. We have stoves and pots and access to quality bones so it’s pretty simple to whip up a batch of bone broth over the weekend for the week ahead. However, if making a batch is not up your alley or you don’t have access to quality bones in your area you can take advantage of buying high quality broth already made for you. Over the last few years, there have been more and more bone broth company’s popping up making delish, nutrient dense broth so it’s as easy as opening a package and drinking it straight or incorporating other ingredients into it to keep things exciting. My current favorite brand is Bare Bones. I have found this to be one of the highest quality ready to consume bone broths. Their broth is made with both pasture raised bones and organic ingredients. The quality of the ingredients affects the end result so finding a brand like Bare Bones that puts quality at the forefront of what they do is critical
I’m a fan of drinking bone broth straight up but to keep things interesting I use it a multitude of different ways. Below I’m sharing my top ways to keep it interesting so you make it a priority to consume bone broth each and every day!

- Straight out of the container: As I shared above I am a fan of just buying a good quality bone broth like Bare Bones to save time and avoid the hassle. I eat it warmed up or enjoy it cold right out of the bag.
- Go Green: I LOVE adding greens to my broth. I heat the broth, pour it in my blender and add a few handfuls of greens like arugula, spinach, kale, parsley, and cilantro. There’s no easier way to amp up the nutrients and get in a few extra severing’s of veggies for the day. Think of it as a bone broth smoothie. I could not live without my Vitamix.
- Add It To Your Favorite Smoothie: Speaking of smoothies add bone broth to your smoothie and enjoy the added nutrients. Pick a bone broth that is mild in flavor. My favorite is a simple beef broth.
- Make Bone Broth Ice Cubes: We eat a ton of soup in my house and a lot of times its too hot to dive right into. When I was growing up my Mom would always give me an ice cube or two to cool down my soup. I have kept this tradition with H. Instead of adding plain old water based ice cubes to our soup I freeze bone broth in ice cube trays and keep the cubes in a baggie so we can easily grab them and toss them into our hot soup.
- Add Fat: Bone broth contains fat but adding a little extra never hurt anyone. My favorite is to add 1 Tbsp of grass fed butter or ghee. It gives it a rich, satisfying flavor. Just heat and blend.
- Add Some Sunshine: I love lemon on everything. It just brightens things up and adds amazing flavor. After warming broth squeeze fresh lemon juice over the top and enjoy.
- Cook With It: Use it in place of water for cooking and sauteing.
- Add It To Soups and Sauces: Use it as a base for any kind of soup or sauce.
- Amp Up The Polyphenols: Blend bone broth with a handful of your favorite fresh herbs. Some of my favorites are rosemary, sage and thyme.
- Make Instant Soup: Heat bone broth and add to blender along with your favorite chopped steamed or raw veggies. Toss in a little fat like avocado oil, ghee or grass-fed butter, seasonings of choice and blend until smooth and cream.
Now that you know a little bit more about bone broth and some amazing ways to get more of it in your diet hoping you will take the plunge and make it a daily, healthy habit.
In Love, Health + Gratitude,