I won’t be posting my goals for the year because I don’t want to get overly focused on accomplishing specific things. Instead, I want to be open and receptive to anything and everything. I guess you could sort of call it a goal but this year I simply just want to live. Live in the moment without thinking about the past or the future. Enjoy each and every second to the fullest and have full faith in all that happens. Accept, instead of fight. If you have been following my blog for awhile now you know that I have spent the last few years working towards healing from both ankylosing spondylitis and iritis. I have put in so much effort (researching non stop, following a sorts of diets, working with a handful of alternative practitioners, tons of different supplements and the list could go on and on) and what I have learned recently after working with a wellness coach who focuses on mind body healing is that when your focus on trying to heal is too great you won’t heal. Sounds nutty doesn’t it? But, it is so true and in the last few months I have stopped trying to heal and low and behold what has happened? The small amount of AS symptoms I was still having as well as my irtis have diminished. I still have had a few iritis flares but they have been minimal at best. The mind body connection was my missing link. Don’t get me wrong I still believe diet is EVERYTHING! However, if the mind is not as clean as the diet, healing will be hindered. I will leave a link at the bottom of this entry to the person’s website I have been working with in case you are interested in checking it out. All I know is this is yet another blessing in disguise of suffering from AS and iritis. My learning around the mind body connection has done more to enrich my life then I ever expected. This year will be filled with continued learning and I could not be more excited!
So, how am I going to kick off the new year! With a clean eating reboot and new exercise program. That is what January is for right? Click here to learn about what I will be doing for the next 21 days. Cheers to 2017!